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By Say_hello
#80348 dear community,

this is a question regarding MicroPython

i want to headstart in MicroPython

what do i need to do the first steps?

- do i need to have a pyBoard from Adafruit!?

or is it okay if i just start on systems like

- ESP 32

- or a ESP8266-based device called WEMOS D1

or a SBC-NodeMCU-ESP8266

which is just another developer platform

regarding the wemos:
We’ll be using an ESP8266-based device called WEMOS D1 mini. Basically, it’s a Wi-Fi chip with a couple of digital and analog I/O pins to connect external sensors and actuators.
But for our simple demo, we won’t need anything besides the LED light that is already located on the device and is connected to the digital output pin 2.

look forward to hear from you