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#83651 geting started with Micropython on ESP 32 - do i need to have a virtual environment?

i am workin on getting started with MicroPython on ESP 32. i have read several postings here and made up my mind - but some questions still remain.

from what i allready have learned it is like so: to get started with micropython development requires several steps

first building the appropriate binaries for the platform - in my case for the ESP 32.
second step: Creating A Virtual Environment (- were able to skip that step)
third step: Setup Project Directory
finally: installing systems like Debian, Ubuntu, Mint, and variants
so at the very beginning: It is advisable - in the very preliminary steps - to create a virtual environment on the development system -- for me it is a ESP32 - to separate the micropython build system from the local python installation. since this is not absolutly mandatory i have heared that we can skip the virtual environment setup if we are happy to create our build system directly on the host machine.

The next step will to get the Setup of a Project Directory

At this point we will be in our virtual environment. this will set the output of our bash shell. It should show in brackets the name of the active virtual environment like this:

(microPython) ~/virtalenv/microPython
Now at this point to the setup we should be able to create a project directory to hold our micropython files

mkdir project cd project
Note: To deactivate the virtual environment we can type deactivate. And to work on the virtual environment after it has been deactivated you

type: /> source virtalenv/microPython/bin/activate.
This assumes that we have created the virtual environment with the name

Now - were at the point to do some installation of systems like Debian, Ubuntu, Mint, and variants

The following packages that will need to be installed before we can compile and run MicroPython on the system:

Debian, Ubuntu, Mint, and variants The following packages will need to be installed before i can compile and run MicroPython:

pkg-config (required at least in ubuntu 14.04)
To install these packages, use the following command:

sudo apt-get install build-essential libreadline-dev libffi-dev git pkg-config gcc-arm-none-eabi libnewlib-arm-none-eabi
Then would have to clone the repository to the local machine, or if i have created a virtual environment clone into the project folder.

git clone --recurse-submodules
First i would have to check that the mpy-cross script exists to allow cross compiling. This may be fixed at some point in the future to be done automatically but for now you need to do this manually. Change directory to the mpy-cross directory here:

cd ~/virtalenv/microPython/project/micropython/mpy-cross
question - is it true that i can skip the virtual environment setup? In other words: am i able to create the build system directly on the host machine too?