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OTA and 512k Flash?

PostPosted: Fri May 15, 2020 8:34 am
by Ray Marshall

I have been using a great LCD display module with touch screen from 4D Systems for a room thermostat that fits into a standard European 80mm x 80mm faceplate.
The display module is built around ESP8266 and includes an SD card slot.
Everything works really well except it only has 512K of flash.
The running application leaves only 159K of free space.
I thought I just needed to compile a tiny application that just does OTA and nothing else, but the Arduino framework on its own with no user code is 300K. This makes OTA very tricky!
I need an environment that has much less overhead than Arduino?
Or a way to do OTA from SD flash?
Or modifications to eboot to copy code from SD to flash during OTA?
Or some other clever solution?
Any ideas would be much appreciated.
