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esp8266 NodeMcu v3

PostPosted: Wed Jan 06, 2021 11:16 am
by DeonEva
Hello. I have a problem with esp8266 NodeMcu v3. I connected the ds18b20 sensor to the temperature preview in the Blynk application. ESP does not connect to Wi-Fi on my router. When I do hotspot from my phone everything works, there is a connection to Blynk. Another ESP, the same model, connects to the router after uploading the same code. I need it asap because i need to use my employee monitoring software for work!

Re: esp8266 NodeMcu v3

PostPosted: Tue Feb 07, 2023 12:05 pm
by neelyang
DeonEva wrote:Hello. I have a problem with esp8266 NodeMcu v3. I connected the ds18b20 sensor to the temperature preview in the Blynk application. ESP does not connect to Wi-Fi on my router. When I do hotspot from my phone everything works, there is a connection to Blynk. Another ESP, the same model, connects to the router after uploading the same code. I need it asap because i need to use my employee monitoring software for work!

I think that specific sensor has a note in the data sheet about that.
Since you did not mention what sensor, that is about all we can offer.

If you want to tell us what specific sensor you are using
and what specific pins it is connected to
and and post the specific result of what happens
and post your code.

Maybe then we can be a little more specific with answers

since most of us have used multiple temperature and humidity sensors, we should be able to help you fix the problem.

Re: esp8266 NodeMcu v3

PostPosted: Mon Feb 13, 2023 4:41 am
by neelyang
DeonEva wrote:I appreciate the information. I suggest you evaluate the free tools for doing SEO audits at https://ninjareports.com/free-seo-audit-tools/ before developing an efficient SEO plan for marketing your website. As a result, you will spend less time seeking for the ideal SEO tool. It's wonderful that it can now be done for nothing.

The problem is your circuit or your code or both. I hope this answer is detailed enough for you. If not, maybe read your own question again and think abut how much detail is there. Then maybe read the forum guide.