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Which way to go??

PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 11:17 am
by Mydo
I want to build a led controller that is capable to control different type of leds (single leds / led strips ect) and is connected to the internet. For the "internet" part I want to use the ESP8266.

I already build a first version of it with the ESP-01 and a Arduino Mega 2560 (for prototyping, I was thinking to use a smaller Arduino in the future) but I don't think this is the right way to go. So I searched a little on the internet and found out there where three different ways (or more??) to achieve what I want:

    1. Using a Arduino to control the leds with a ESP8266 (with AT firmware) to provide internet access.
    2. Using only the ESP8266 to control the leds, this seems harder than the Arduino way since you need to "hack" in to the firmware but it seems like a better option.
    3. Again, using only the ESP8266 but with the NodeMCU firmware so it can be programmed with Lua. The only concern here is the memory (RAM) available and that there seems to be no non-volatile memory (EEPROM)

Option 3 looks promising but I don't know if there is enough RAM available also I want to use OTA updates in the future and this is not (yet?) possible in Lua. But programming with Lua looks awesome :) .

So what do you think? What is the best option? Or what are you using?