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By Pika28
#95403 Hello,

I bought 2 AZDelivery NodeMCU Amica Module V2 ESP8266 ESP-12F board on amazon.

I had only used one of the two cards. Today I tried to make the second work but it does not work. In all cases, the programming goes up to 100%. In ESPHome the next step is normally Log but it blocks at this step. In Arduino IDE I tested with blinking LED but it doesn't work. The 12F Wifi module is very hot on the other hand.

Do you have a procedure to advise me to do a hard reset or factory reset? If not, I would be grateful if you would replace the defective device.

Best regards,

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By Pika28
#95420 so how to explain the fact that the card accepts flash from arduino ide or esphome flasher. after reboot, nothing works. I have several esp8266 nodemcu which runs without problem (temperature humidity measurement of ultrasonic aRGB capacity etc.)