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NodeMCU esp8266 cannot find and connect to home wifi

Sun May 07, 2023 11:59 am
by cookieoreo18
I have an esp8266 that i bought 3 years ago and used as a wifi repeater for 2 years. Its been sitting for a year and a few days ago i decided to dust it off and work on a project. Problem is i couldn't get it to connect to my home wifi network. I decided to run a network scan that repeats every 5 seconds and what i noticed is that my network would rarely appear. When it would appear the signal strength was about 60-70dBm which is good. What is going on here? This is very weird and i have no idea what to do
Re: NodeMCU esp8266 cannot find and connect to home wifi

Mon May 08, 2023 2:38 am
by rooppoorali
If your ESP8266 has not been used in a year, it's possible that the firmware or software on the device is outdated or has become corrupted. You might try updating or re-flashing the firmware to see if that helps.
Re: NodeMCU esp8266 cannot find and connect to home wifi

Mon May 08, 2023 5:58 am
by cookieoreo18
Reflashed the firmware. Same problem. This only happens to my home wifi btw. Connecting to a hotspot works for example
Re: NodeMCU esp8266 cannot find and connect to home wifi

Sun May 28, 2023 4:16 am
by cookieoreo18
Kyle1987 wrote:Firmware may be worn out due to prolonged use.
I just said that i reflashed the firmware