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Re: Flashing fw stops after 20 seconds

PostPosted: Wed Apr 29, 2015 2:29 pm
by Mr.Morse
After a bit more digging I tried to change the esptool.py file to these values.
Tried to flash it with latest nodemcu and it got stuck at 2%..... but I tried it again and lucky me, it worked!
Uploaded the pin lua example and it also worked!
So if anybody has the same problem try changing the esptool.py and flash several times.
However my other two esp8266 esp01 won't flash to 100%. Tried several different .bin files and reaches between 2% - 79%.

Re: Flashing fw stops after 20 seconds

PostPosted: Thu Apr 30, 2015 1:38 am
by Mr.Morse
So I got my other two esp8266 - 01 flashed. They only accept the nodemcu firmware.

Anyone got an idea how to bring them back to original FW?

Re: Flashing fw stops after 20 seconds

PostPosted: Thu Apr 30, 2015 3:24 am
by marin6061
Can you share your steps ?

Re: Flashing fw stops after 20 seconds

PostPosted: Thu Apr 30, 2015 5:58 am
by Mr.Morse
This is what I did to flash my ESP8266 - 01 from my windows pc
- Wire it up like this
- Install python 2.7 download here
- Install pyserial download here
- Download to the esptool.py from here save it in the pyton installation folder
- Download nodemcu_latest.bin from here and save it in the python installation folder

- Edit esptool.py so that:

- Open cmd and go to the python folder and type in this (change the COM7 to whatever your FTDI is)
esptool.py -p COM7 write_flash 0x000000 nodemcu_latest.bin