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By Budman
#16579 I was able to get a response when I'm in normal mode...

ets Jan 8 2013,rst cause:1, boot mode:(3,7)


I was able to get the firmware linked here to load with XTCOM utility. I'm getting the message above and not sure what's next.

Thanks for any suggestions.
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By Budman
timr49 wrote:Just repeating what I have read elsewhere in case it happens to help. Do you have plenty of current available in your 3.3V supply, say, several hundred milliamps?

Oh, I appreciate whatever you got, believe me. There's so much information out there that is scattered all over the place, it's a little overwhelming. Regarding the current, I think I have plenty as I have been able to flash the boot_v1.1 and 1.3b bin as well as the esp_init_data_default.bin with no trouble. I am now seeing some information when I boot in normal mode. However, whenever I try to flash any AT firmware that I can find, it just doesn't want to download. It feels like I either have an incorrect offset or just a bin that doesn't like this module.
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By Budman
#17509 I do not know exactly why it works but I have finally been able to get lua operational on the 07. Instead of flashing the nodemcu latest flash file, it seems I have to have two separate files flashed at 0x000000 and 0x100000. Interestingly enough, the files I used to resurrect the ESP was right under my nose on this site in this post. Best I can tell, there is something different about this ESP8266 that requires a special version of nodemcu which this gentleman was kind enough to share.

Many thanks to Markus for his library! I am now able to run a simple web server for my garage door opener project.