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By germy
#17056 With esptool I am able to flash my esp8266-01 but I can never AT to it or use luatool to write files to it.
I initially flashed nodemcu and when I ground GPIO0 I can flash it and I can see my USB to TTL converter (Bus 003 Device 016: ID 10c4:ea60 Cygnal Integrated Products, Inc. CP210x UART Bridge / myAVR mySmartUSB light)

But when I remove GPIO0 from ground, I can see the wifi network that the esp has made, currently AITHINKER-<MAC> but now I no longer even see my USB to TTL converter in the list.

When I had flashed NodeMCU, I was again able to see the wifi network and can connect but can't upload files with luatool.

I have connected only 3.3v to the esp, gnd, rx and tx. CH_PD is directly plugged into the 3.3v input. I tested the lines for this converter and saw there's ~3.2V on the TX and since I can flash firmware to 100% no problems, I don't think that's the issue.

TLDR; I connect GPIO0 to ground, I can flash the esp-01, I remove GPIO0 from gnd or leave it plugged in, I can't get AT response from AI thinker firmware nor can I upload lua files with luatool when I'm on nodemcu.

What am I doing wrong? I'm on Kubuntu 15.04.