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By Chumxeed
#17724 I came across the following blog
There is one issue that very important that may drive other people away from using esp8266 as their iot platform. The issue that you need to initiate dns and point to espressif dns to make it work is un acceptable for me either. Any one can clearify whether this issue is there in the sdk 1.0
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By JustMeHere2
#17770 I can't get 1.0.0 to boot. I can get 1.0.1 to boot, but it fails after first reboot.

I cannot find good flashing directions. Right now:
Flash boot-1.3 to 0x0000
Flash user1 to 0x01000

If sdk 1.0.0 use 4Mbit
If sdk 1.0.1 use 8Mbit

Instead of having the *_cur and *_def, or any autosave config. How about just a "save config" command with clear documentation on what would actually be saved.