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By Dave S
#19679 FYI, if you are using the ESP8266 in station mode with the SDK, this might be of interest to you: I had a issue with the ESP8266 failing to respond to http GET request after about a minute after power-up or reset. This problem was not resolved until SDK version 1.0.1 dated 24 April 2015. But for me, there are problems with SDK 1.1.0, so I am sticking with 1.0.1 for now.

The issue was resolved with the introduction of the mDNS API.

I am currently downloading the Arduino IDE (332 MB) to trace the code and SDK calls.
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By Dave S
#19780 June 7, 2015: I submitted a bug-bounty report to EspressIf regarding this issue and will post their reply here when it is received.

Unfortunately, I have reached a dead end in tracing back the Arduino IDE code. The call to "Wifi.softAP(SSID);" from the Arduino sketch is what appears to start the ESP8266 DHCP server, but the code being executed is hidden in a binary file.