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By walt22
#19633 Hi,

I want to develop for an ESP8266 in standalone mode an access to a web page in Internet.
As one can do it with AT+CIPSTART and AT+CIPSEND... But not with AT commands, but with C code
using the SDK.
In order to ease my life, I am looking for examples and hints.
Many thanks and best regards
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By walt22
#19728 Hello,
Many thanks for your helpful replies.
I am working with the excellent toolchain of Cherts and have realized several projects with it.
Your example looks indeed very simple. But where the structure HttpClient is located? Is it in your SmingCore?
I did not find it yet. Even in the most recent SDK 1.1.1 documentation it is not mentioned.
Right now I will do some tests with espconn_gethostbyname, in order to receive the IP of the web site, and then
start with a conversation between ESP station and Internet.
It is an interesting topic, I like it.
Best regards