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By zocker
#19899 Hello Forum,

i have two ESP8266 Boards.
Booth of them have the software version

I have connected the boards with a FTDI breakout board to my pc.
On booting the ESP8266 Board i receive the Version Number with some other text, but iam not able to send AT commands to the ESP8266. The board isnt responding to them.

After some reading here i tried to update the software but this also didnt work.
The Log output of NODEMCU is
"Note:Serial port connected.
Note:Begin find ESP8266."
Thats all.
It looks like the rx line on the board's are damaged.
My FTDI breakout board is able to operate with different levels.
I can jumper the board to 3,3V. I checked the level with my meter. Its 3,44 V. This shouldnt be to much, arent it?

So now iam a little bit loss.
Someone any suggestions?


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By tytower
#20026 Know nothing about NodeMCU as yet but the problems I had when starting were all about wiring .See the wiki in the menu band above on this page . go to ESP8266 101 and have a look at that as to how it should be wired and check yours . so easy to get it wrong and it does weird things then.

I was running my modules (3 off) for a week at 4.76 Volts before I discovered it and it did no harm so yours should be right.