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By hackrid
#333 Nothing special besides squonk's hints ;) .
... Trying to get the json info from the module displayed somehow...
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By obvy
kongo wrote:The new dump (, 7b52074c61442ee4c45f59d026313fa3), should hopefully be correct.
I have made an symbol-annotated disassembly for reference (, and it looks much more sane.

Thanks for the update.

Not perfect, I know, but I'm getting tired of xt-objdump.

I feel your pain. Actually, without symbols (i.e. disassembling raw binary), it's usually much worse, with function prolog being fused with preceding padding. And I'm actually curious how you could inject symbols while disassembling a bin file? ;-)

But yeah, it's not perfect - see for example ets_run: it has "call0 dfc", but at dfc it's actually mis-disassembles it.

Btw, compiler used for that code has a funny habbit of putting big constant *before* the function which uses them, not after.

I'm planning to clean up esptool, probably integrating the image creation stuff, or perhaps make it read ELF and split it up automagically. Any and all feedback is welcome.

As long as it retains ability to works with just byte stream both internally (i.e. via separate funcs) and externally (via cmdline args), why not?
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By obvy
#335 Btw, IDA doesn't seem to support Xtensa, according to its official page. This adds new interesting twist to the story, isn't it? ;-)
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By tinhead
#340 I got dump of the "wi07c" module version with 57600bps. No idea what internal number they have, let's call it 000 (so dump is wi07c_000.bin)

I uploaded it to my 1drv:

There is as well demo version of Trace32 simulator for Xtensa, just in case someone wish to play on Windows but don't want to download
DVD from It is already installed, configured and patched to latest version.