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By noisette
#23461 Hi everybody

I use esp8266 arduino, I have my program which runs fine but it stops 20seconds after the launch
I have rst cause : 4 when I restart my esp8266, I saw that it is a watchdog restart
is it possible to disable it ?
I tried ESP.wdtDisable(); but that's not working

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By eriksl
#23472 That the wrong way around. Fix the problem, not the symptom. Defer any lengthy operations to a background task. If they're real long, split them up and make the system call the background task again. This is no atmel or pic microcontroller, there is a whole wlan eco system that needs to keep running.
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By eriksl
#23489 That is what I say.

Read the documention on system_os_task(), system_os_post() and on system_init_done_cb() (don't do anything other then configuration in user_init()!