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VIPER Python for embedded and IoT

PostPosted: Sat Jul 18, 2015 10:01 am
by floyd
I am one of the developer of Viper http://www.viperize.it The Python IoT suite for the embedded that runs on all ARM 32 bit architectures.
Viper is a complete developing suite with an integrated IDE, cloud projects storage and a wide set of board and MCU management tools.

On our community forum [url]community.viperize.it[/url] various users are talking about the ESP8266 module and about the possibility to run Viper on it... :D

Looking at your MCU features, runnig Viper on the ESP8266 is possible but a porting activity is required.
Anyone here interested in supporting the Viper team and the community in this adventure?

Have a look at Viper features, in my opinion we both could have huge advantages if our platform will become compatible.

Bye bye

Re: VIPER Python for embedded and IoT

PostPosted: Sat Jul 18, 2015 12:21 pm
by kolban
Welcome. The ESP8266 has a keen user community. What kind of assistance do you need? There are lots of folks here who would be willing to answer any and all technical questions as you need.

How many lines of code are currently in your runtime? How much re-use can be hoped for? Have you isolated your platform dependent logic from your common logic? Have you implemented your own custom Python runtime or are you mapping an existing one?

Re: VIPER Python for embedded and IoT

PostPosted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 8:24 am
by floyd
Thanks for your feedback!

Viper is a cross-platform virtual machine that interprets a Python compiled bytecode we implemented from scratch in order to better fit embedded requirements.
Viper runs on top of CHIBIOS a real-time operating system that is actually compatible with all ARM Cortex architectures.

We aim at porting Viper on a variety of boards, MCUs and wifi modules giving developers the possibility to re-use their code in a variety of applications and platforms.

On our forum, users are asking to have Viper ported on the ESP8266 so we need your help to do this.

We need a detailed documentation about the MCU side of the ESP8266; on the wiki I am not finding any details about the MCU architecture and details.

Is it a Cortex? If no, we should also port CHIBIOS before porting the Viper VM... In this case the activity will be even more complicated but we could ask the CHIBIOS community to support us

Finally, in order to have Viper running on the ESP8266 we need your support and a bunch of enthusiast developers interested in contributing to the porting activity.


Re: VIPER Python for embedded and IoT

PostPosted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 9:00 am
by kolban
You will find all the documentation and data sheets of the ESP8266 at the manufacturers website (Espressif) which can be found here:


The MCU IS the ESP8266 which is based on the Tensilica range of processors. What makes those processors special is that they are custom processors for each application including with extended instruction sets fit for purpose. This is not an ARM architecture.

It sounds like the first step in your project is to investigate the feasibility of having ChibiOS run on the ESP8266 and that sounds like a major exercise in itself. I'd contact the owners of the ChibiOS product and see if they have plans for that exercise.