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By alonewolfx2
#2174 Hi every one. Anyone know how i auto connect tcp and send data on user_main.c ?
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By willemwouters
#2323 I did not like the IoT example nor the At-Example

The esp-httpd is the best starting point,

On I'm uploading my work in progress.
It started as a slimmed version of the original esp_webserver, but it became pretty bloated :P
Its a combination of the esp-httpd and some parts of at-commands etc in seperate functions.

For example the interrupt library is here: ... r/io/key.c
And an example initializing the interrupt is here in the web interface: ... ndex_tpl.c

It has some examples on the built-in webserver with web config for:
Tcp requests
TCP/UDP Server
Wifi status
Wifi Config
HTML5 Push Messages / Combined with Interrupt generated push messaged.

Its a work in progress. Every week several new commits are done.
And all credits for the base Sprite_tm: