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By martinayotte
lalo_uy wrote:You can use a portion of the Flash as EEPROM, so you have a bunch.

Of course, but we need to beware that Flash need to be Page Erase before writting into it.
Also, life time can be an issue if written too often.
Adding I2C EEPROM is easy and endurance 100x longer.
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By alonewolfx2
GigAHerZ wrote:In addition to other remarks by others (which are correct), ESP8266 have 1.5 UART ports. (2 outputs if i remember correctly)

And does esp8266 really have some kind of internal temperature sensor? Hmm, i'm not aware of it...

And in the end, i would expect the price to be compared between original items. The prices for arduinos right now are the chinese clones. (And same goes with ESP-12E. The fake ones are really modified ESP-07, the real ones have 4MB (32Mb) flash memory)

where is the idea came from? firstly espressif's big flash support camed after 0.9.5 sdk. "the real ones have 4MB (32Mb) flash memory" word totaly wrong :)