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ESP-01 - simplest server problem

PostPosted: Wed Aug 05, 2015 11:08 am
by Mondo90

my plan is to send some data from phone over wifi to ESP module and then to AVR uC.
So I decided to set ESP server with AT commands:

Code: Select allAT+CIPMUX=1

Code: Select allAT+CIPSERVER=1,1001

ESP accepted both commands and returned "OK"

Then I checked the module ip:
Code: Select allAT+CIFSR


So I opened another putty connection -> telnet port 1001
but no signal in ESP module, no data is being send. After a while the telnet connection terminates itself.

What's wrong ?

My plan is to simply pass data from phone to avr microcontroler through ESP module, is above way good for this ?

Thanks ;)

Re: ESP-01 - simplest server problem

PostPosted: Wed Aug 05, 2015 11:26 am
by kolban
Howdy Mondo90,
Think of the ESP as running an application program. The one that comes pre-supplied is called the "AT Command Processor" and responds to serial requests from an MCU (such as an Arduino). It is expected that the Arduino will "drive" the ESP8266 by sending it these AT commands. The commands that it may send once it is connected are commands like ... send some data over the network or receive some data over the network ....

But it also means that you need an Arduino app that is interacting with the ESP using the AT commands. What does your AT command set look like? After you made your ESP a server, you then need "something" to process the incoming data.


Re: ESP-01 - simplest server problem

PostPosted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 10:59 am
by Mondo90
Thank you kolban for your answer and pdf e-book ;)

Yes, I think of ESP as module with app which gets the data and set the data out. The problem is I have absolutely no idea how to accomplish it.
I successfully flash programs for ESP thanks to your book ;) But thats the end of good news for me since I feel kind of lost ;/

First I would like to set ESP as a server with certain ip and port number which I can use for connection. I decided to use "wifi-ap-tcp-client" example code from "Espressif" (Was it a right choose ?) I flashed it and connected with my phone succesfully \o/. But I would like to test it completely and send data from phone to ESP and then as soon as possible ESP should send it to PC vi uart. I tried to open telnet connection and connect to ip and port but again - after about a minute I get "Time Out...".

So, how to send the data from phone or even simpler from putty command line to ESP and then send it to PC via uart ?

Thanks for help ;)