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Re: COmmunication problems

PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 10:05 am
by mendozabar
Here's an update and the finall one, first Iwant to say thank you for your comments and help all my issues are solved.

My solution was this:

As I said in a p revious post I was using a TI Launchad as a UART interface (the msp430g2553 model). So I remove the micro to try to send Serial using the pins marked as RX and TX without removing the bridge. That was the first problem for some reason this cause the TTL levels are not good, thats the reason I was retrieveng some data but nothing appears in the monitor. I remove bridge and track de pin trought the usb interface and connect the tx and rx of the ESP.

Second, th CHPD pin must be at VCC :o (fool of me !!)

Third, I was suspecting that the problem was the firmware and IT WAS I flash the ESP using a flasher called MCU or something like that, and a firmware called AT firmare.bin from electrodragon.

After this no problems during flashing, and the ESP is running smoothly and responding to AT commands very well.

Now my next goal is to send data from the msp430g2553 right through the ESP to a PC App to control some hardware remotely.

So thanks again