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ESP8266 Memory

PostPosted: Sun Aug 16, 2015 9:47 am
by PhillyNJ
Does the ESP8266 store the the SSID and Password in EEPROM? If so, is there a number of writes to that EEPROM? I ask, because I see lots of examples where the (e.g. Arduino) ESP82666 is reset and SSID and Password are continually set. On a project that posting every data to a url every minute or so, the number of writes will expire over a relatively short period of time.

In my projects, I set the SSID and Password via serial once and its done.

Re: ESP8266 Memory

PostPosted: Sun Aug 16, 2015 9:57 am
by kolban
The ESP8266 provides an SDK that can be used by application programmers to write applications. There are two APIs available for supplying an SSID and Password. They differ only in that one API uses these items immediately without saving and the other API uses these items immediately and also saves the values to system data in flash memory. These can then subsequently be retrieved on a device restart (again by programmatic control).

So the answer appears to be "both" ... one can supply SSID and password and it will not be saved and ALSO one can supply SSID and password and it will be save. The choice is up to the ESP application programmer.

Re: ESP8266 Memory

PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 7:16 pm
by PhillyNJ
Thank you for your response. Does the flash memory have a finite number of writes?

Re: ESP8266 Memory

PostPosted: Tue Aug 18, 2015 3:20 am
by eriksl
The "traditional" and default version (which most people use) writes in flash though.

But don't worry, it will only write when it's changed.

When I changed to SDK 1.2.0 I couldn't manage to have the SSID/password combo stored successfully (it was always gone after reset, even though 0x3c000 was clear), so I now store it myself.