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By martinayotte
#26311 Of course ! my old Sketch_Buffet is already providing Telnet TCPServer, its shell commands are not AT oriented, but you can adapt it to emulate the ESP AT commands.
But, why do you need those AT commands ? (I hate those AT cmds ... ;) )
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By helpme
martinayotte wrote:Of course ! my old Sketch_Buffet is already providing Telnet TCPServer, its shell commands are not AT oriented, but you can adapt it to emulate the ESP AT commands.
But, why do you need those AT commands ? (I hate those AT cmds ... ;) )

It need not be AT commands. Just as long as it accepts commands which can be of any format. THanks for the Sketch_buffet. I am looking at it now. Any new version upgrades of Sketch_buffet? Thanks a lot!

I would like the ESP8266 to be able to accept commands from UART as well as wirelessly via TCP server. Need not be AT commands. Is this possible?
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By martinayotte
#26315 Of course, search Sketch_Buffet on the forum. I've provided ZIP file of ArduinoIDE sketch.
It is dated from April or May, but you are better using this one, since it is tiny, only using I2C. My latest one has grown up with several other libraries, such Time, SdFat, SPIFFS, etc.
This is a good starting point for creating your own shell commands over Telnet as well as over Serial, both are there.