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By Mmiscool
#26924 Your best bet to get up and running quickly is node mcu lua.

Its how i got started with these things.

On the other hand you can program them directly with the arduino environment by using esp826 arduino. No need for any firmware.

I will also make a shameless plug for and the basic interpreter firmware but that is a project of mine.

But I would defiantly start with node mcu firmware. I put together a tutorial on how to install it here.
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By digiajay
#27284 Hi have successfully flashed with the bin file "nodemcu_float_0.9.6-dev_20150704.bin" :)

But after that, I couldn't open the COM port with the ESP :o :shock: . It throws some no response error like below

Code: Select allPORT OPEN 115200

Communication with MCU...
Got answer! AutoDetect firmware...

Can't autodetect firmware, because proper answer not received.


:shock: . Please help me.