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By Neil
#26769 Hi
Sorry for some basic questions, but I am new to the 8266 and have a few questions, hopefully someone can help:
I have ordered an evaluation kit with the 8266-12 on it, and hopefully will get it in a week.

1: when I come to purchase the 8266-12 board on its own (after testing it on the evaluation board), regardless where from, will they always be genuine? We will probably purchase 100 at a time, and what I see all physically look the same regardless of the sites I look at. Or is there something I should look out for.

2. When I get them, should I always upgrade the firmware to the latest version (I will be using AT commands)? If so , where do I get this from?

3. I will be interfacing it to a micro controller (3.3v so no level conversion required), is there an IO pin that can be set as a DCD ? This way it would be set if a connection is made to a server. I will be using it as a TCP client.

4. Using the onboard antenna, what sort of range would I expect?

Many thanks in advance