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By przemo_c
#2779 Hi my 3 modules of ESP8266 have arrived and i connected module to pc via FT232RL (fake one after unbricking) set to 3,3v
I've attached ch_pd to 3,3v tx to rx, rx to tx and gnd and 3,3. Ive tried baud rate 9600, 57600 and 115200.
The transmission led's blink on both esp and ft232(but only one per device) when i type in putty or press send on other terminal apps (even tried from android phoine).
I can see wifi network and can connect to it and get connection refused when connecting wia http to it's ip address.
But there is no responce on com port (cr lf line endings selected) no responce for AT , AT+RST , AT+CWLAP . there is also no garbage initially when open ing port etc. i've placed 1F capacitor just to be sure it's not sudden power drop issue (and wifi works for abaout a minute after disconnecting from pc).
Ive tried reversing tx rx but it didnt help.

Does anyone have any clue what can be the issue here

ps in firmware upload mode (gpio0 pulled down) updating app cant find device.
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By aterentiev
#2805 First check your power supply. In the datasheet of FT232RL stays "+3.3V nominal supply with a maximum current of 50mA". It is not enough for driving ESP8266, 250mA and up to 300mA is needed. I think it's the problem you have.

Second if FT232RL is powered by 5V (which is normally the case), its outputs have too large voltage for the ESP, HIGH = up to 4,9V! ESP is not 5V-tolerant, you can damage it. Check if you're using the 3,3v-compatible outputs.