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Re: AI Thinker - Where fiind firmware ?

PostPosted: Tue Mar 15, 2016 3:54 pm
by Osiris
@General_Failure: I've seen the ones you are talking about on eBay. They look similar to the one I have, except the text seems "smudged" so they read "AI Cloud Insid8", but I don't believe they are actually from the same vendor. That's not saying anything bad about them, I haven't used them so you may have to tinker a bit with settings to get it running properly.

@vakakush: When the ESP first boots and sends text to the console terminal it is at a different baud rate then what it usually communicates (from what I've found). The text you are seeing is the boot up "info" for the device. It may be useful (possibly, to the community) to troubleshoot issues (memory size, bad memory, firmware, etc.).

I've received similar text during the "boot up baud". I feel as though a lot of guess work can be eliminated when you have some additional parts (such as the FTDI, separate power source, etc.); as I've come to find and some of which you have.

I'm going to make some assumptions here, and I haven't worked on this module in some time so I am reaching from memory here. I'm assuming you are using a either a "basic" sketch with the Arduino (with the Atmega328 chip removed) or have a SoftwareSerial sketch loaded onto the '328. In each of these cases, the procedure is different.

Of course, make sure your TX/RX lines are correct. If there is absolutely no response then try switching them. Also make sure all the necessary pins are connected. Many times a user forgets to connect the "ENABLE" pin.

With the basic sketch, the hook up should be a bit more straight forward. Try changing the baud rate in the Arduino's terminal window until you get some responses for the "AT" command.

If you are using SoftwareSerial, then the communication for this is not always reliable at baud rates above 9600 (although SoftwareSerial is said to be able to handle higher baud rates). If you are sending "AT" commands at higher baud rates and getting barely intelligible responses, try lowering the baud rate on the module to something like 9600. First, I'd query to make sure it's possible AND you have the right command, since the command will differ between vendors and has changed even within the same vendor (Espressif). If this checks out set your new baud rate (and save it, if applicable!). Restart (of the module and/or the terminal window, etc) may be necessary. Make sure to change your sketch to the correct (new) baud rate as well as the new baud rate in the terminal window. Try the "AT" commands and see what happens.

What does happens when you send the "AT" command?

Looking at your output, I see some things that may be of interest. There's the "...rst, cause:2..." and "fatal exception". Now this may mean something, or it might not mean anything. I don't really know how to interpret the boot text so I'm just speculating. "...rst, cause:2..." sounds like it noted the cause for the devices reset. This could be a power issue, it could be software (e.g., "AT+RST" command), it could be physical (e.g., pushing a reset button). As far as "fatal exception" goes, I've seen this before. There is some information on the Espressif forums, I believe. The cause is vague (when I researched it) but may be due to the bootloader trying to load a "user". It could also be trying to read a specific part of the memory that is not there. This could also sound worse than it is; apparently new firmware upgrades are loaded to a different "user"; "user2" for example. This is in case something goes wrong there is still a "user1" firmware to load. This may (again, speculation) mean that there is no firmware for "user2" so it loads "user1", and thus you can also see "Jump to run user1.

Re: AI Thinker - Where fiind firmware ?

PostPosted: Sat May 28, 2016 11:06 am
by Reese
few month back i also got the AICloud branded ones.
i successfully got one of the module permanently stuck in the TX status when using softwaresoft where it continuously sends out crap to the serial console even after multiple times of firmware flashing. WTF!!
and i'm not the only one with this problem as i have found in this forum people with similar issue.
also nearly screw up the second one when trying to flash a third firmware until i too found the AT 1.1.1 version.
even though it works on the other one then but i soon realize AT command just not the way to go.
communicating in the form of string with microcontroller without any sort of digital handshake is just inefficient.
and the worse part is i just couldn't flash any third party firmware on this particular brand.

so i came to a conclusion, don't buy any of the AICould branded one; whether its by well reputed seller or ebay.
it could be counterfeit, bad manufacturing or whatever. because it not like i could fully understand how the chip works and simply get something that really works like what i have seen with the same price is just a no brainer.