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By adaen
#8583 I had this problem also, after some investigation it turned out that I had my access point set to g-only mode which the ESP did not like. Kind of strange as ESP should manage g mode?

Access point was a Apple Airport Express.
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By Athena
#8822 Could you try it with sdk_v0.9.5 ?

We don't have your special AP, could you offer us more information to debug, like UART output log ?

test code may be as below..
Code: Select allvoid wifi_config()
// Wifi configuration
char ssid[32] = SSID;
char password[64] = PASSWORD;
struct station_config stationConf;

//Set station mode
wifi_set_opmode( 0x1 );

stationConf.bssid_set = 0;

//Set ap settings
os_memcpy(&stationConf.ssid, ssid, 32);
os_memcpy(&stationConf.password, password, 64);


//Init function
void user_init()
User avatar
By Athena
adaen wrote:I had this problem also, after some investigation it turned out that I had my access point set to g-only mode which the ESP did not like. Kind of strange as ESP should manage g mode?

Access point was a Apple Airport Express.

... My boss is too generous.. We just bought an Apple Airport Express and tested it..

Sorry that we can not replicate your problem, our AP configuration likes the attachment.

Could you offer us more information to debug, like AP configuration, or UART output log ?

test code may be as below..
Code: Select allvoid wifi_config()
// Wifi configuration
char ssid[32] = SSID;
char password[64] = PASSWORD;
struct station_config stationConf;

//Set station mode
wifi_set_opmode( 0x1 );

stationConf.bssid_set = 0;

//Set ap settings
os_memcpy(&stationConf.ssid, ssid, 32);
os_memcpy(&stationConf.password, password, 64);


//Init function
void user_init()

Thanks for your interest in ESP8266 !