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By dhavan mehta
martinayotte wrote:As said in older thread, Password length needs to be between 8-63 characters.
As lethe said back in August, if your router accepted password with less than 8 chars, you have a buggy router.

I have everything ok according to rules but then also this issue occure.I have esp8266-01 connected to arduino uno.Everything is running fine.But while I try to connect it to router via AT+CWJAP command it return me error can anyone help me??what to do.I have also tried to change firmwares and AT+CWLAP command only return ok.No any accesspoints.Please help me.I have also tried to connect on different routers.
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By Thylacine6
#80532 I had a similar problem with an extra space at the end of AT+CWJAP=" "," "space
Using ESPlorer I could manually connect using the buttons but I could not connect when typing in the command. Some how ended up with a space on the end, kept using the drop down and wondered why I kept getting ERROR. thanks to this post I found my problem.