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By Baoshi
Kruger wrote:As the module is buggy and is prone to self reset from time to time you may want to add custom AT command to detect this. For example: "AT+INC" which will return the value of a variable that increments every time the command is issued. Use it from time to time and if you get lower than the last value or you get the "busy" reply then reset/reinit device.

I believe there is a watchdog mechanism already built in the firmware.
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By Baoshi
#7685 Thanks Athena for support.

I can report several findings now:

1. I was debugging some serial program so I did not start a listening socket. I merely configured wifi and left it there. Under this circumstance I can notice WiFi reconnect every 5 minutes. And I cannot ping the chip at all.
2. If I start a listening socket, I am able to ping the chip. However 5 minutes reconnect still exists.
3. If I do continuous ping to the chip, i.e., "ping -t", the connection is stable, no more WiFi reconnect.
Till here I may close my case.

However, I do notice several ping timeouts here and there. And the serial console give me several "s8 :4" message. I'm pretty sure it is not dumped by my program.