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By dynio
#18167 Hi!
Exactly, but I don't use STA mode only. I use AP or AP+STA. In mode AP+STA and when STA is unassociated the transmission (frames) comes at random intervals. Perhaps a module esp8266 is searching STA SSID and the CPU i overload ?

P.S Sorry for my English :)
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By dacb
#18289 Your English is fine.

I get you entirely. Can you open an issue on the github repository ( ... dge/issues

That way we can track it more easily. I haven't reproduced this problem, but it sounds like you have worked it well enough to test. Thanks!
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By Marekx
#19864 Hi!
First of all I'd like to apologize because I just received my first ESP-01 modules and have not done enough homework.
I want to use it as a serial cable alternative and this firmware seems to be very close to the thing I need.
I tried to flash the binary files 0x00000.bin and 0x40000.bin to appropriate addresses using nodemcu firmware programmer,
but after programming I get:
Fatal exception (29): epc1=0x40240652, epc2=0x00000000, epc3=0x00000000, excvaddr=0x00000404, depc=0x0
This happens with all the 4 pcs of ESP-01 that i received.
What could be the cause?
With best regards,
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By fiwi
#20536 Hi guys,

I'm not having any luck with getting this to work... Could someone please check and see what I'm doing wrong?

What I've so far tried:

  1. I flash "v0.9.2.2 AT Firmware.bin" or "AI-v0.9.5.0 AT Firmware.bin"
  2. I configure the esp8266 to connect to my router as a client, then confirm that I have an IP address:


    Reboot, still good.
  3. I use "flash_download_tool_v1.2_150512.exe" to flash 0x00000.bin and 0x40000.bin to their respective address, un-check the rest. Except for the address, I use the default settings. I'm just using the pre-compiled binaries from github.

After that, the esp8266 no longer connects to my router. On the serial side, I just see garbage characters at either 9600 or 115200 when I power-on the esp8266.