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By scargill
#5629 Trying to understand this.. so we end up with a network of units... let's say there are TWO of them - do they have to be within range of each other or can they connect via the household WIFI router.... and how would you talk to these externally? Lets say we have a phone app with buttons on it talking TCP/IP... how would that connect to them from the outside world?
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By chandan2002x
#5631 All are possible.
Now, at the present status, when mesh is formed, issue a new CIPSTART command to anywhere, it will parallaly coexist.

Now, the mobile issue. We all understood the problem of client server architecture. A client in LAN can connect to any global server. But a global server cant communicate (rather, connection establish) to a lan IP. We need a SMART routing protocol for that.

Now, who has already started mob app development, they might have faced the problem of getting client ip(ESP ata up) when connected in WLAN. ARP may not feasible as you may not have the info of all MAC of ESP. This present bin gives you a solution. I shall explain later.
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By scargill
#5633 FOr some time I have been using a mobile client - called NETIO - it works really well. You create a free account, setup a mobile page with buttons etc... you can use HTTP: HTTPS:, TCP/IP etc. I use a simple TCP/IP and I've had an ESP8266 as well as Ethernet cards talking to the "TCP/IP listener". I currently have one Ethernet card I access externally and that card then talks to Arduino-type boards using the NRF24L01 boards. When the phone app is working it may be polling the boards several times a second for accurate feedback. Problem is the boards have TERRIBLE range... I would like to replace the whole lot with simply a bunch of ESP-01 boards, maybe with Arduino-type boards (I make my own - just basically using the Atmel 328 or 1284 chips) controlling stuff. As soon as the ESP-01 etc boards came out I realised the potential but this is the first time I've seen anyone tackle a network of the boards.

I now have 4 boards active so they are seeing three neighbours.

Scan starting...Data Scan Completed
Short Neighbors(1):"MESH-91551",-29,1a:fe:34:9a:59:bf
Short Neighbors(2):"MESH-13404",-30,1a:fe:34:9f:4e:ef
Short Neighbors(3):"MESH-67244",-37,1a:fe:34:9f:5d:f4

I will now try some of your commands from previous posts... as I try to understand what you are doing. When we are a little further on I'll do a complete writeup on progress in my blog which currently has quite a lot of readers.
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By scargill
#5637 Oh dear... I went off to watch TV, leaving 4 units on talking to each other.

I have two of them monitored using ESPlorer..

Here's one - and that's good.

Code: Select all  Scan starting...Data Scan Completed
Short Neighbors(1):"MESH-91551",-20,1a:fe:34:9a:59:bf
Short Neighbors(2):"MESH-13404",-24,1a:fe:34:9f:4e:ef
Short Neighbors(3):"MESH-80435",-36,1a:fe:34:9d:fb:00
 << AP GOOD ...
 << AP GOOD ...
 << AP GOOD ...
 << AP GOOD ...
 << AP GOOD ...

Sadly,here's the other...

Code: Select all  Scan starting...Data Scan Completed
Short Neighbors(1):"MESH-13404",-34,1a:fe:34:9f:4e:ef
Short Neighbors(2):"MESH-91551",-35,1a:fe:34:9a:59:bf
Short Neighbors(3):"MESH-67244",-40,1a:fe:34:9f:5d:f4
 Connecting...>>>>>>>>>>>> +CWJAP:1


  Scan starting...Data Scan Completed
Short Neighbors(1):"MESH-91551",-26,1a:fe:34:9a:59:bf
Short Neighbors(2):"MESH-13404",-32,1a:fe:34:9f:4e:ef
Short Neighbors(3):"MESH-67244",-37,1a:fe:34:9f:5d:f4

  Scan starting...Data Scan Completed
Short Neighbors(1):"MESH-13404",-26,1a:fe:34:9f:4e:ef
Short Neighbors(2):"MESH-67244",-38,1a:fe:34:9f:5d:f4
Short Neighbors(3):"MESH-91551",-44,1a:fe:34:9a:59:bf
 Connecting...>>>>>>>>>>>> +CWJAP:1


It did this for quite some time and then....

Code: Select all Scan starting...Data Scan Completed
Short Neighbors(1):"MESH-91551",-29,1a:fe:34:9a:59:bf
Short Neighbors(2):"MESH-13404",-32,1a:fe:34:9f:4e:ef
Short Neighbors(3):"MESH-67244",-35,1a:fe:34:9f:5d:f4********** BEST AP CONNECTED >> "MESH-91551"

 << AP GOOD ...

> >
+IPD,251,41:1,CONNECT: Hello, Welcome to IoT world.





+IPD,251,7:NO IP



 << AP GOOD ...>
+IPD,251,7:NO IP



 << AP GOOD ...
 << AP GOOD ...>
+IPD,251,7:NO IP



Clearly not all is well!