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By trackerj
#49906 For using ESP8266-01 analog pin you need to solder a wire directly on the pin, is not available on the connector. Quite tricky but can be done.
Regarding deep sleep & stuff, should work. Have done something similar, a simple "door sensor" that with a very small amount of hardware can do the reset needed for ESP after a deep sleep, so it is properly reacting in deep sleep on a "external interrupt" event. You need to play a bit with MQTT if using LWT but should work OK.
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By trackerj
#49909 Don't have any saved notes, played with about a year ago for a while, but you will find a lot about searching here on the Forum.
I prefer to use for my needs (long time/low power consumption running remote sensors data collection) a different setup using a proper hardware RTC IC not ESP8266 Deepsleep feature. Can queeze easily 5-6 months from a small Li-ion battery in a ESP8266 ESP-7/12 only setup. Added also a small Li-ion Battery management circuit and a small solar panel and voila, running around the year!

You can find a lot of info on this Thread:, deepsleep included.