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ESP8266 not getting IP from DHCP

PostPosted: Thu Jun 30, 2016 5:54 am
by Latschen
Hello Guys!

I don't get a problem with my ESP8266 module solved. I simply want to use the module as a client in an existing WLAN. I can communicate with it and send AT-* commands, for example I can list all access points, set CWMODE, and also join my network via AT+CWJAP.

But the module does not get a valid IP address via DHCP from my router, so I can not ping my module. It always assigns me this IP:



But my network IPs are 192.168.0.*.

Here is my setup:

I use a (sunfounder) arduino ONE and connected RX and TX to the according ports. I use 3,3V from arduino (yes I know that this might be too weak) and 5V on the digital pins (yes I know that I should use 3,3v here, too).
I successfully flashed the ESP8266 with "v1.3.0.2 AT Firmware"

So do you have any hints for me what I am doing wrong I would realy appreciate every possible hint because I am searching for four days now for a solution :(

Thank you and kind regards,


Re: ESP8266 not getting IP from DHCP

PostPosted: Thu Jun 30, 2016 12:07 pm
by Latschen
Hey Guys!

It's always the same. Hours and Hours of searching, and then, finally, 15 minutes after writing a long post entry, finding the solution.

For all having the same problem as me:

It is:


first "1" for server mode (0,1,2 = client, server, both), second "1" for enable/disable (0/1).

Thank you and kind regards,

google that and you will find good explanation abou