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Re: Simple HTTP client library (no String, no delay!)

PostPosted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 10:33 pm
by tooandrew
The micro has a separate usb serial and hardware serial for debugging purposes.You should be able to get a clone pretty cheap. I have effective two way communication with my esp03 through an arduino micro. Negates the need for software serial

Re: Simple HTTP client library (no String, no delay!)

PostPosted: Sun Feb 22, 2015 12:18 pm
by m.capurso
Hi. I have tried your library, and it is very smart, but requires adaptation to firmware , the one present and documented in the Espressif: AT Instruction Set document.
The format of the IP address coming from AT+CIFSR is different, and CIPMUX=0 in softreset() hangs the ESP if used before AP connection, and start speed is 9600 ...
I could give you feedback in term of testing, because I spent some time browsing the source and trying patches in order
to adapt to

Re: Simple HTTP client library (no String, no delay!)

PostPosted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 3:32 am
by ohra
This library has helped me immensely, a big thanks to the author.

I had one weird issue of which I'm unsure if it has something to do with the library or the esp firmware.
I have a sketch that does a GET request to a server, receives a plain text string, does its thing and then returns the same string as an acknowledgement back to the server in another GET with the string in the query parameter.

The first GET always worked without any problems but the second one never reached the server. The client library always logged that it sent the request succesfully even though it did not. In the end I found out that my string always had one whitespace character in the end. If I trimmed that the request was sent all the way.

Anyone have an idea why this happened?

Re: Simple HTTP client library (no String, no delay!)

PostPosted: Thu Feb 26, 2015 12:08 pm
by juke
Great library, thanks.

I have however a problem. I have a lighttpd-server running in RasPi and it adds a row in MySQL-database with url in browser formatted like this:

I just can't figure out how to get the Arduino do the same thing.

In the code example.ino there's wifi.sendHttpRequest("example.com", 80, "GET", "/subdir/index.html", "data sended with request", "url_query_data"); I have tried to form the parameters but the server always replays with page 400 - Bad Request and I have no clue to fix this.

Best regards,