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By ricg
#11757 Right. Now that i look closer it's doing everything it should.
This is a tough one. From the output you provide it looks like the esp sent the data ok in the 90 char case. Are you sure the syntax is correct in that Get statement? The error you're getting back seems to indicate otherwise. so if you can believe what the esp is telling you (send ok) then the only thing left to do is find a way to confirm that what you sent is not garbled.
One thing to try is change debug.println(getStr); to debug.print(getStr); in the code where you send the data. No need to send the newline to the esp since it's just looking for a set number of chars and the newline becomes 1 more than it expects.
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By swilson
#11836 OK, update!! Chopping code on the rduino did not work. I took out everything but what was needed to send the get request. Still same thing. Here is what is interesting- I unhooked the arduino and loaded nodemcu on the esp8266 and modified the httpget.lua example to send the string to thingspeak. I get the same error at over 80 cahracters. I may try to split it up. Anybody else with suggestions?