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By Skoon
#84871 I recently pulled open one of my older projects in order to fix some lingering issues that I had. In the process of doing so, I updated the Board Manager in my Arduino from 2.5.2 -> 2.6.2. Upon doing this, even without any changes made, the Feather HUZZAH ESP8266 that I have will crash / reset when trying to handle a request.

Between some Serial.println() / ESP Stack Debugger, I was able to identify where the problem was happening, although I haven't really been able to understand why or more importantly, how to fix it.

The problem was fairly easy to repro using the HelloServer example that gets installed into the Arduino Example Sketchbook.

just add the following code:

Code: Select allconst char g_HTML[] PROGMEM = R"test(
      Sample Text

void handleRoot() {
  digitalWrite(led, 1);
  String resp = g_HTML;
  server.send(200, "text/html", resp);
  digitalWrite(led, 0);

I can back off the board manager to v2.5.2 and the code will run absolutely fine, moving it back to v2.6.0 or higher causes it to have issues.

I have tried to figure ways to debug deeper into what specifically may have changed here, but so far haven't turned anything up. Would love to hear some thoughts on if this is a tooling issue or if there is something simple I am overlooking.

Thanks in advance..