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Re: Timer0 interrupts? Getting watchdog resets. => HW depend

PostPosted: Wed Dec 07, 2016 5:06 pm
by tonus@gmx.us
The problem seems in the last board in the list below, the first two boards work ok.
I use the same board without a problem using software serial!!!
Why the timer interrupt, all software, on the last board causes a problem is still unresolved.

My next problem is HOW to identify the hardware properly, I used both Arduino Board Info and the Wemos.cc Get_Chip_ID.
The chip ID seems different for each board?
The Arduino Board Info gives the same result for the last two boards.

I know that I have gone cheap, but this is a peculiar problem and may drive you mad, so now you maybe aware.

Identifying boards, using Arduino Board Info and Wemos.cc GetChip ID:
Wemos Mini Pro 16MBytes, with both Rainsun antenna and external antenna connector. Cost ~$5
BN: Unknown board
VID: 10C4
SN: Upload any sketch to obtain it

Check ID in:
Chip ID = 002C1120

Arduino compatible sized D1, ESP-12E, 4MB memory, maybe clone ... Cost ~$5
BN: Unknown board
VID: 1A86
PID: 7523
SN: Upload any sketch to obtain it

Check ID in:
Chip ID = 00C07894

Wemos D1 mini (compatible?) has obvious problem with software interrupt Cost ~$2.5
BN: Unknown board
VID: 1A86
PID: 7523
SN: Upload any sketch to obtain it

Check ID in:
Chip ID = 00C0E57C

Re: Timer0 interrupts? Getting watchdog resets.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 11, 2019 11:17 pm
by gibo77
I am also having issues with timers in ESP.

I used the 120VAC Zero crossing of 60Hz to interrupt. But it seems that the ESP can not handle interrupts together with Arduino type of millis() command. My light still flickers a lot and that is due to the timing sequence of ESP. I am tempted to do logic analyzer but I do not have budget for such testers.
First I was using delay(), but I found out that it will wreck havoc on timers, so I removed delays() totally. But I am still having issues with flicker in light.
I have come to a point that ESP is only built as Wifi controller and you should not be doing extreme timing that relies on your application. I am actually now developing ATTiny85. I will still use ESP8266, but only for Wifi purposes.
Sayonara ESP.