Post topics, source code that relate to the Arduino Platform

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By lfaustini
#27885 hello,
I am writing code in the Arduino IDE for run on the Esp8266
(No AVR CHIP - directly compiling to 32bit ESP chip)
The issue that I am running into is that I am running out
Of iram1 room. The code, just before I add the little bit
That pushes it over the edge, was saying that only 34%
Of the esp memory was being used.

So what's th deal? I have a small number of quoted strings
(I know they take up RAM space in a c program) but I think
I am not doing something important -- like adding in a
Compiler directive that tells the compiler to put my
Functions in flash or something.

So does anyone here know the proper compiler directives
For the Arduino IDE when compiling directly for the Esp8266
To direct the area of memory that the code will run out of?

Thank you.