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Unable to flash AT Firmware to ESP-12E (testboard)

PostPosted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 1:02 pm
by AJleest
Hi everyone,

I cannot for the life of me download anything to my esp-12e. Initially I was trying to use the nodemcu flasher, my progress bar would get about 10% of the way and then hang up and stop. Couldn't figure it out.

Now I'm using the ESP FLASH DOWNLOAD TOOL V1.2 and I'm getting basically the same thing. I load v0.9.5.2 AT Firmware.bin to 0x00000, click the checkbox, check i have the right com port and hit start. The tool successfully connects and erases the flash, tries to start downloading the bin file to the esp and just can't. stops at 0%. I've tried so many different combinations of setups and I still have no idea how to fix this. Research has told me these chips come loaded with some version of nodemcu but my end goal is to program them using the arduino ide so I want my AT firmware. This is the board i'm using:
http://www.aliexpress.com/item/ESP8266- ... 70377.html

Find a photo of my hardware setup below.
