Post topics, source code that relate to the Arduino Platform

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By vlad
#4762 So I have an old security system left behind from previous owner. I ripped the old 'controller' out and figured I could use esp+arduino to get the system running again.

Decided to start with the easiest thing and use the reed switches that I already have installed. I just wanted to see doors/windows opening closing on my phone, like so -

Arduino source code -
Arduino needs to be connected to ESP8266 that is flashed with standard AT sdk. I am using Arduino Pro Mini 3.3v 8Mhz so 57600 is the best I can do. ESP returns some junk instead of 'ready' at that speed so you might need to change the startup procedure if you are running full arduino.

Server source code -
A simple node js server. Just run it anywhere node can run and make sure port is opened for incoming traffic.
You will want to change up the names of the pins/sensors.

Mobile/Web app source code -
This is ionic mobile app that will log all the events happening to arduino's GPIOs.
if you want to just run it in the browser then run ionic serve. If you want to run it on mobile then go through ionic docs on how to do that.
If you already have android environment then just do ionic platform android and ionic run.

Here's the ugly prototype. ESP is dangling from colourful wires. Pro Mini is connected to reed switches (red/black wires and resistors).
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