tinhead wrote:mamalala wrote:Hi,
attached are updated Makefiles, one for the AT and one for IOT firmware. Basically they are the same, just added the extra libs and stuff to the variables in the IOT version.
yep, the works very well.
Btw, for those of you who wish to use them in Xtensa Xplorer, simply add at begin of each makefile following lines
(assuming you using my Xplorer installation ESP-IOT-SDK-NOVM.rar from my 1drv http://1drv.ms/1BUD6Nv )
export XTENSA_SYSTEM = C:\usr\xtensa\XtDevTools\install\builds\RC-2010.1-win32\lx106\config
export XTENSA_CORE = lx106
export default_xttools_make_path = C:\usr\xtensa\mingw\bin\make
Then you can simply create new project in Xplorer, choose Unmanaged Xtensa C/C++ Project,
give a name and then simply copy all the sources (the makefile, user, driver, other dirs) into that project dir.
Now refresh the project in project explorer and run project -> project build from menu, that all.
By default, when setting new unmanaged project Xplorer will set build command to ${default_xttools_make_path},
but that might not work properly. Therefore the one extra line in makefile which set the default_xttools_make_path
to make.exe in minngw msys directory (and not the one in Xtensa tools dir).
1> I have try to use the iot_demo makefile. it only build driver and user dirs. so I add "json lwip ssl" to the "MODULES" define. but it not build that three dir at all. How to let all the modules in app directory build?
2> I want to use Xplorer to build the project. but encounter many errors "NO rules to make targets". could you export your project setting and share
to me?
Any advice would be appreciated
