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Re: New Makefile for the SDK, new tool to create firmware fi

Fri Sep 19, 2014 12:52 pm
by mamalala
Heh, looks like you got a perfect 50 ohms line from the board to the RF connector going there

(Just kidding, of course)
Re: New Makefile for the SDK, new tool to create firmware fi

Fri Sep 19, 2014 12:57 pm
by RichardS
Under 1/7 the wavelength of 2.4Ghz and you should be OK...
Now thats what I am told, anyone know this for a fact (actually I was told 1/10, then I read from what sounded correct 1/7)
Roughly 18mm at 1/7 or 13mm at 1/10
Re: New Makefile for the SDK, new tool to create firmware fi

Fri Sep 19, 2014 1:58 pm
by tinhead
and that's 3mm, not connected to vias (point to point only, module to sma). More problematic is the shitty module design, the GND is complettly shitty routed and on wrong end (not near antenna out) of module. What i additionally did was to remove some solder mask right under th chip and connect to SMA gnd and central gnd point of the extra pcb.
Re: New Makefile for the SDK, new tool to create firmware fi

Fri Sep 19, 2014 5:50 pm
by RichardS
Do you mean the 3.3V that site to either side of the LNA pin? Very odd. I expected GND