Re: New Working GCC for ESP8266

eriksl wrote:In the end it's clear - they don't really want to spend effort on the ESP8266. Especially the NONOS SDK. I think it also clear: the ESP8266 is used by both hobbyists (and they don't care, generate no cash flow) and by companies. It looks like the companies are using it for very simple tasks (like a remote controllable wall socket), for that the current NONOS SDK or RTOS SDK is quite sufficient and if not, the companies can get direct (paid) support from Espressif. So for them, there is no problem. Of course they're trying to get all new projects to move to the ESP32, but I can imagine many companies have a problem with them being more expensive than the ESP8266.
So once in a while I order a stack of ESP12F or ESP12S and hope they will remain available for some time...
I can't disagree with you there

Another point for me is that I can find developers who have FreeRTOS experience, so the learning curve to come on board and start working on my ideas is shorter.