Discuss here different C compiler set ups, and compiling executables for the ESP8266

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By cal
cal wrote:
wififofum wrote:Yes, but wishing for SWD on a chip with limited pinout.

SWD? Does not ring any bell.

Do you mean: http://www.arm.com/products/serial-wire-debug.php?

AFAIK we don't have it on esp8266.
The gdb stub should not need a lot of bandwidth, so software serial maybe an alternative.

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By martinayotte
#22154 Yes, that would be interesting too.
I've purchased an SWD STLink-V2 recently (less than $5). Normally used to debug STM32 CPUs, I've tried it also on an NXP LPC1768, and it was working fine with OpenOCD and GDB. In fact, all ARMs are supporting that.
So, if we get somehow this hooked up on 2 pins of the ESP (SWDIO and SWDCLK), that would be nice !