Discuss here different C compiler set ups, and compiling executables for the ESP8266

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By Freeck
#30135 Well, there is a windows-visual studio solution using a jtag device:
Disadvantage of jtag is that it consumes 4 IO pins...
As I am not an expert on this issue I would very much appreciate if the initiator of this thread could show us more on how to configure/build a solution based on the gdb-stub or xmon via the serial port, or perhaps via wifi...
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By deadbok
#36077 I tried following this article http://visualgdb.com/tutorials/esp8266/ but did not succeed. I used an Altera USB Blaster clone, and I'm no longer that used to windows. I am not sure there was any communication going on. I hooked up a logic analyser and saw nothing, come to think of it, the USB Blaster was not connected when I tried.

Any help would be appreciated, preferably with an eye towards Linux as well.
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By Freeck
#36088 Then why did you not use xt-ocd or gdbstub on Linux? Xt-ocd does not support Altera USB Blaster. I do not know what the status of the latests OpenOCD driver is, but I assume that it does support Altera Usb-blaster.

I would recommend to leave jtag , it is rather instable and it takes 4 IO pins...

Instead consider using this option: viewtopic.php?f=9&t=6932. Although the present Gdbstub-version has some drawbacks: it takes iram, and has a bug (single stepping not working correctly under all circumstances) , I am satisfied with this option so far.