The use of the ESP8266 in the world of IoT

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By grubi
#1710 My idea is to read internal temperature sensor and/or some external sensors/IOs and/or battery voltage without using external MCU.
I just got my first modules before few days, so it is still early to say what is going to be, but if you like the idea
or already done something into same direction and it is not a secret, you are welcome to share :D
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By 0ff
#1734 Hey there,
I did actually connect a DHT-11 Temp sensor, as I had it in my parts box.

You can basically use the GPIOs for everything you can think of, so when you have setup the build evinronment, there's nothing stopping you from external peripherals at least.
If you find out something about the internal temp sensor, please share it :) Last thing I heard was it is way to inaccurate to bother with it anyways.
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By grubi
#1746 Actually most of those integrated internal sensors are innacurate, but even relatively good value
will be interesting. Otherwise this way of calibration is may be possible solution

Otherwise - yes setup the environment and go ahead, those are next for me. Thanks
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By JoHannes
0ff wrote:Hey there,
I did actually connect a DHT-11 Temp sensor, as I had it in my parts box.
You can basically use the GPIOs for everything you can think of, so when you have setup the build evinronment, there's nothing stopping you from external peripherals at least.

Hi Off.
Sounds as you have the DHT-11 running on the ESP8266? Did you post/show that somewhere?
That would be a very nice option for a small Wifi Sensor.
Just the ESP8266 and the DHT-11 + maybe a 3,3v Step-up to power it from a single AA Cell.
Then let the ESP8266 Wake-up every x minuts and post the temp and humidity values to a webserver somewhere in the network.
