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By SwiCago
erhardd wrote:Guarantee which you use the right Sourcefiles !
append a "x" to the earlier TFTv2.cppx , so it will not be used in the sketch.
Look at the messages in the compiler-output -- "used libraries";

Thank you, the version of TFTv2.ccp you supplied does not cause the blank white screen.
How do we let the guys who maintain the GIT for ESP8266 know that their version has a bug and this version fixes that?
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By erhardd
How do we let the guys who maintain the GIT for ESP8266 know that their version has a bug and this version fixes that?

Oh, this is not necessary !
My version is a rewrite. They use this:''_T ... stallation
we use:
-- both are ILI9341, but with an other init-seq. ;

Ähm, - if you want to play with the Touchscreen?
I use " #include <XPT2046.h> " . But there is to rewrite also something!
all occurences of"" must be altered to the ""-functions;

For the SD-card a hint:
- look at this pic. On the left side you see the connected(doubled) SD-card SPI and the Touchscreen-SPI with the Display-SPI!
Good luck!
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By SwiCago
#33277 Well, I finally got the screen to work with a modified TFTv2 and also with touch Libray XPT2046.
I was able to draw on it using one of the samples in XPT2046 and swapping out parts of ucglib for TFTv2

I was also able to finally install ucglib on windows without cygwin...I finally took the time to review the sh script and made a bat variation.
In the end only had to apply the patches and do the one "sed" manually since bat doesn't have that.
I was also able to compile and upload, but it did not work...will further review, but I at least have one way of using this thing and I still have a gpio free for SD.

Thanks for all the tips guys.