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By TerryE
#33426 Nothing is available outside of NDA AFAIK, and not having signed one, I am as blind as you. It's the Tensilica L108 rather than the L106, dual core rather than single core and a lot more RAM, so there's going to be qite some change impact. Also until we see unit pricing, its not at all clear to me that this is going to make the esp8266 obsolete, so that we (I'm a nodemcu community developer) will still need to support it for some time.
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By Trunk
#33777 Sounds intriguing. If the price is right, and they add the ability to wake up from hardware interrupts without rebooting while in deep sleep.. I'll buy some!
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By RichardS
#33890 Rumor is, it does not replace it, the new chip is more $, so ESP8266 will always be probably the winner, unless the difference is too small.
