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By dynek
#34034 Hello all,

To save some battery life, I was thinking about removing the power red LED on my ESP-07.
Has anyone done so. Or is it possible to turn it off from the software-side ?

Sorry if it's been asked already but I can't seem to find an answer on my own :?

Thank you!
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By torntrousers
#34037 Yes, needs to be done if you're using the sleep modes to save power. I don't think it can be done via software, i use a fine screwdriver or point of a small knife and gently prize it off. It comes off pretty easily.
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By Eyal
#34050 Yes, needs to be done if operating on battery. And it is an eye sore anyway. OK to leave on during development but remove before deployment.

I agree with @torntrousers, the LED pops off easily with a little lift from a tiny screwdriver.

In case anyone is interested, the power usage in deep sleep of a recent (a 1MB module) esp-07: 676uA with the LED, 18uA without. No contest.
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By sej7278
Eyal wrote:In case anyone is interested, the power usage in deep sleep of a recent (a 1MB module) esp-07: 676uA with the LED, 18uA without. No contest.

i found even the ESP-01 went from 370uA down to 18uA with the two LED's and resistors removed, basically scratch them off with a screwdriver/knife, not worth heating the soldering iron. that red power LED is really bright!